Saturday 9 February 2019

Massai Mara, Kenya - 12th-22nd November 2018

During November 2018 we visited the Masai Mara in Kenya to primarily to photograph the predators and their prey that the Mara is famous for. After a one-night stay in Nairobi we took a short flight into the Masai Mara where we stayed 9-days at Oltepesi Tented Safari Camp. Oltepesi is a very small Masai village situated just outside the NP boundary and where we had the exclusive use of a Land Cruiser safari vehicle with driver/guide through out our stay. The vehicle had been specially modified to suit wildlife photographers requirements including low angle photography and battery charging facilities. We also purchased an 'off-road license' which was really necessary to get the most out of a visit and our daily itineraries were arranged to suit what subjects we wanted to photograph.

The amazing Masai Mara and its wildlife must be experienced to be appreciated and staying at Oltepesi Tented Safari Camp in a genuine Masai village made this a perfect and unforgettable visit and which can be thoroughly recommended to all serious wildlife photographers.

Sunrise at Massai Mara
Mating Lions

Female Leopard

Cheetahs at a Wildebeest kill

In addition to the mammals, there was plenty of bird species to see and photograph including a few raptor species. However, it was sad to note the lack of vultures which have suffered recently from illegal poisoning.

One pleasant surprise was the numbers of Caspian Plover, an uncommon species I have wanted to see after missing this species in Kasakhstan several years ago. Altogether we saw ca. 50 individuals with a high count of a flock 31 on one occasion. These birds however, were difficult to get close too for good photographic images to be taken.

Grey Crowned Cranes

Caspian Plover - juvenile

Bateleur - juvenile


Secretarybird - juvenile

Rüppell's Griffon

Lilac-breasted Roller

Little Bee-eater


Mandarin Duck at Holmestrand, Vestfold on 7th-24th November 2023

Between 24th September and 24th November 2023 a male Mandarin Duck  Aix galericulata  was found associating with a flock of Mallard near Mul...