Tuesday 18 October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth in Vestfold, Norway 16-17/10-22

On 16th October 2022 a beautiful female Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii was found at Sandefjord, Vestfold in Norway. The observant finder found this rare hawkmoth in perfect condition in her garden and posted a photograph of it on the Norwegian Facebook group "Insekter" where it received enormous interest. The finder was contacted, and she agreed for several local very interested enthusiasts to see and photograph the hawkmoth on 17th October when these images were taken. Due to the rather cold weather at the time, it was clear that the hawkmoth would not survive in the outdoors and also at this late time of year, it couldn't be kept in captivity for any length of time. So, because of these factors and its rarity, it was agreed to donate it to the Oslo Natural History Museum collection.  The species has been recorded 4 times earlier in Norway although two records possibly relate to the same individual.

Earlier Norwegian records:

Homannsbyen, Oslo 15th September 1865 - Collected.

Oslo 26th August 2018 - Observation, photographically documented.

Lillestrøm, Viken 8th September 2019 - Observation, photographically documented.

Lillestrøm, Viken 8th September 2019 - Collected (possibly the same individual as the previous record).

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii - Vestfold, Norway 17th October 2022

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