Friday 9 December 2022

American Pipit in Vestfold, Norway on 7/12-2022

 At around 09:00 on 7th December 2022 a birding friend and I were first to arrive at Pirane nature reserve, Hvasser south, Færder in Vestfold where an American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens had been found two days earlier. Hvasser south in Færder municipality is almost the furthest southeasten point of Norway and an ideal place to find migrating birds. It was a cold -5 C morning with a clear sky but with a wonderful orange sunrise promising a fine chilly day. After searching the beach path it was clear that almost no passerines were yet active and only a single male Blackbird was seen feeding in some berry bushes. At around 09:45 several more birders arrived and it was not long before the American Pipit was found at its apparently favoured seaweed feeding spot. At first it was difficult to observe as it kept mostly out of sight behind rocks and clumps of seaweed, but as the sunrise warmed the seaweed and presumably awakened the few insects present, the pipit became more active in searching for food and  occasionally even possible to photograph. A series of images were taken although not in the best lighting conditions by most of the visiting birders. At one point the pipit flew off and returned soon afterwards with a Rock Pipit which it fed eagerly alongside until that flew off again. We left the area at 10:30 as had most others, although more birders began arriving to see this popular bird. 

This American Pipit observation constitutes the 9th for Norway and the first for Vestfold county. Eight of these, including the first in 1997, have been of the nominate subspecies rubescens and just one of japonicus in 2008.

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

American Pipit Anthus rubescens rubescens - Hvasser, Vestfold, Norway 7/12-22

Tuesday 6 December 2022

Hibernating moths and rare insects November 2022

 On 30th November 2022 two friends and I visited several old German bunkers in Larvik municipality with the intention of registering how many moths were hibernating here this winter. We checked four of the most accessible ones and found a total of 60 Twenty-plume Moths (kaprifolfingermøll) Alucita hexadactyla, 3 Autumn Green Carpets (lys irrmåler) Chloroclysta miata, 7 Tissue Moths (kobbermåler) Triphosa dubitata, 2 Buttoned Snouts (humlenebbfly) Hypena rostralis and 4 Herald Moths (flikfly) Scoliopteryx libatrix in addition a Peacock butterfly (dagpåfugløye) Aglais io was also hibernating. The occupants of these bunkers also included many European Cave Spiders (kjelleredderkopp) Meta menardi that existed by catching various insects including Twenty-plume Moths and various species of woodlouse. However, for us the most exciting find was a rare diptera, Scoliocentra villosa and no less than 6 Diphyus quadripunctorius, a rare darwin wasp. Scoliocentra villosa has only been recorded twice earlier in Vestfold and is the 20th record for Norway. Diphyus quadripunctorius, has only been recorded seven times earlier in Vestfold and is the 61st record for Norway.   

Twenty-plume Moth (kaprifolfingermøll) Alucita hexadactyla

Autumn Green Carpet (lys irrmåler) Chloroclysta miata

Tissue Moth (kobbermåler) Triphosa dubitata

Tissue Moth (kobbermåler) Triphosa dubitata

Buttoned Snout (humlenebbfly) Hypena rostralis 

Buttoned Snout (humlenebbfly) Hypena rostralis 

Herald Moth (flikfly) Scoliopteryx libatrix

Herald Moth (flikfly) Scoliopteryx libatrix

Scoliocentra villosa

Scoliocentra villosa

Diphyus quadripunctorius

Diphyus quadripunctorius

Great Grey Owl at Larvik, Vestfold on 6th March 2023

A Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa had been repeatedly reported from an area near Larvik in Vestfold during February, but the exact locality w...