Wednesday 5 May 2021

White Stork at Bruserød, Tønsberg, Vestfold & Telemark on 2nd-3rd May 2021

A White Stork / stork Ciconia ciconia had been reported as stable in a ploughed field near Tønsberg on the evening of 1st May. The next morning I had a 5 minute stop at the area to find the stork was still present and as I arrived it walked across the road just in front of the car. Some frantic retrieving camera gear from its bag, resulted in several half acceptable images as it wandered off into the distance. Another errand beckoned, so no more time was used for this plastic tick. The next day 3rd May, we decided to visit Bruserød again although the stork was absent when we arrived and we had to wait over an hour for it to return. There were plenty of migrants feeding on the fields to keep us occupied while waiting, including a pair of Ring Ouzel / ringtrost  Turdus torquatus. On arriving, the stork stayed half sleeping in the middle of the ploughed field probably due to the chatting birders who could not stay concealed in their cars. A series of distant shots were taken to document this observation but when the rain started we left the area. The stork moved around a bit the next several days but was still in the area until at least the 5th May.  

White Stork, Tønsberg, Vestfold 2nd May 2021

White Stork, Tønsberg, Vestfold 2nd May 2021

White Stork, Tønsberg, Vestfold 3rd May 2021

White Stork, Tønsberg, Vestfold 3rd May 2021

Mandarin Duck at Holmestrand, Vestfold on 7th-24th November 2023

Between 24th September and 24th November 2023 a male Mandarin Duck  Aix galericulata  was found associating with a flock of Mallard near Mul...